The course is designed to provide advanced, intense, hand-on training on SAS programming, and prepare students for profession as skillful SAS programmers. The focus is on SAS macro facility and SQL programming, as well as statistical procedures. Comprehensive projects give students insight and experience into SAS programming in the real world.
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1.Understand the concept and benefit of macro programming.
2.Create and reference macro variables.
3.Efficiently utilize macro functions.
4.Develop and apply macro programs to handle complex projects.
5.Develop, maintain and utilize macro library to achieve modular programming.
6.Utilize SQL programming within SAS.
7.Understand the difference between traditional SAS programming and SQL programming.
8.Connect to DBMS, and exchange data between various DBMS and SAS.
9.Understand the difference between pass-through facility and LIBNAME statement in establishing connection to DBMS.
10.Understand CDISC and are able to create data in SDTM and ADaM structure
11.Understand 21 CFR Part 11 and Validation, plus data handling
12.Understand commonly used statistical procedures
13.Generate table and listing for clinical studies.
- Complete Base SAS Programming Training course
- Or, understand SAS report writing and data management practice
The students are responsible for attending all classes and participating on a regular basis. Attendance will be taken -- lateness and absences will be reflected in the student’s grade.
If you have to miss a class, you must notify the instructor in person or via email the week before.
Classroom discussions are encouraged and the students are expected to make meaningful contributions to the discussions. The students are responsible for doing all assignments, including quiz, homework, and projects, and handing them in on time.
Exams must be taken at the given times including mid-term exam and final exam. No make-up exams will be given. Special handicaps and/or needs can be accommodated, but the instructor must be notified at least one week in advance.
The student must behave in a mature manner at all times – unusual, disturbing or harassing behavior will not be tolerated. Such behavior will lead to ejection from class and possible further actions, including a requested withdrawal from class. Avtech Institute’s school policies must be followed at all times.
35 hours (9 am - 4:30 pm every Sunday, totally 5 weeks)
Advanced SAS Programming & Projects Class Notes, By John Z. Ao, 5th Edition
Practical Statistical Methods: A SAS Programming Approach, By Lakshmi Padgett
SAS Macro Programming Made Easy, By Michele Burlew, 2nd Edition
Attendance and Class Participation 40%
Homework 10%
Mid-Term Exam 10%
Final 10%
Total 100%
1st Project – Application of SAS in Financial Industry
2nd Project - Generate tables and listings for Clinical Study in Pharmaceutical Industry
3rd Project – Create data in SDTM/ADaM structure and perform program validation