





A ◆

A (address) resource record --- A(地址)资源记录
AAL, ATM adaptation layer --- ATM 适配层
ABR, area border router --- 区域边界路由器
ABR, available bit rate --- 可用的传输率
access control --- 访问控制
access control entry, ACE --- 访问控制项
access number --- 访问号码
access permission --- 访问权限
access privileges --- 访问特权
account lockout --- 帐户锁定
ACE, access control entry --- 访问控制项
ACK, acknowledgment --- 确认
acknowledgment message --- 确认信息
ACPI, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface --- 高级配置和电源接口
active --- 活动
active content --- 活动内容
Active Directory
Active Directory data model --- Active Directory 数据模型
Active Directory Service Interfaces --- Active Directory 服务接口
Active Directory Users and Computers --- Active Directory 用户和计算机
active partition --- 活动分区
active volume --- 活动卷
ActiveX control --- ActiveX 控件
adapter card --- 适配器卡
address classes --- 地址类别
address pool --- 地址池
Address Resolution Protocol, ARP --- 地址解析协议
adjacency --- 邻近
administration queue --- 管理队列
administrative alerts --- 管理警报
administrator --- 管理员
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, ACPI --- 高级配置和电源接口
affinity --- 相似性
agent --- 代理
Alerter service --- 报警器服务
allocation unit size --- 分配单位大小
Alpha computer --- Alpha 计算机
American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASCII --- 美国信息交换标准码
APIPA, Automatic Private IP Addressing --- 自动专用 IP 寻址
AppleTalk Filing Protocol --- AppleTalk 编档协议
AppleTalk network integration (formerly Services for Macintosh) --- AppleTalk 网络集成(以前的 Macintosh 服务)
AppleTalk Phase 2
AppleTalk Protocol --- AppleTalk 协议
AppleTalk Transport --- AppleTalk 传输
application --- 应用程序
application assignment --- 应用程序指派
area border router, ABR --- 区域边界路由器
ARP, Address Resolution Protocol --- 地址解析协议
AS, autonomous system --- 自治区系统
ASBR, autonomous system boundary router --- 自治区系统边界路由器
ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange --- 美国信息交换标准码
Assistive Technology Program --- 辅助技术程序
asymmetric encryption --- 非对称加密
asynchronous communication --- 异步通讯
ATM, asynchronous transfer mode --- 异步传输模式
ATM adaptation layer --- ATM 适配层(AAL)
attribute --- 属性
audit logging --- 审核记录
audit policy --- 审核策略
auditing --- 审核
authentication --- 身份验证
authoritative --- 授权
authoritative restore --- 强制性还原
authorization --- 授权
auto-static routes --- 自动静态路由
auto-static updates --- 自动静态更新
Automatic Private IP Addressing, APIPA --- 自动专用 IP 寻址
autonomous system, AS --- 自治区系统
autonomous system boundary router, ASBR --- 自治区系统边界路由器
availability --- 可用性
available bit rate, ABR --- 可用的传输率
AXFR, full zone transfer --- 完整区域传送

B ◆

B-channel --- B 信道
B-ISDN, broadband integrated services digital network --- 广播综合业务数字网络
backbone router --- 主干路由器
background program --- 后台程序
backup domain controller, BDC --- 备份域控制器
backup media pool --- 备份媒体池
backup operator --- 备份*作员
backup set --- 备份集
backup set catalog --- 备份集类别
backup types --- 备份类型
bandwidth --- 带宽
Bandwidth Allocation Protocol, BAP --- 带宽分配协议
BAP, Bandwidth Allocation Protocol --- 带宽分配协议
base priority --- 基本优先级
basic disk --- 基本磁盘
basic input/output system, BIOS --- 基本输入/输出系统
basic storage --- 基本存储
basic volume --- 基本卷
batch program --- 批处理程序
baud rate --- 波特率
BDC, backup domain controller --- 备份域控制器
Berkeley Internet Name Domain, BIND --- Berkeley Internet 名称域
BGP, Border Gateway Protocol --- 边界网关协议
binary --- 二进制
binary digit (bit) --- 二进制数字(位)
BIND, Berkeley Internet Name Domain --- Berkeley Internet 名称域
BIND boot file --- BIND 启动文件
bindery --- 平构数据库
binding --- 绑定
BINL (Boot Information Negotiation Layer) Service --- BINL(启动信息协商层)服务
BIOS, basic input/output system --- 基本输入/输出系统
bit (binary digit) --- 位(二进制数字)
bits per second, bps --- 每秒位数
boot --- 启动
boot disk --- 启动盘
boot files --- 启动文件
Boot Information Negotiation Layer (BINL) Service --- 启动信息协商层 (BINL) 服务
Boot Logging --- 启动记录
boot partition --- 启动分区
boot volume --- 启动卷
BOOTP, bootstrap protocol --- BOOTP 协议
BOOTP extensions --- BOOTP 扩展
BOOTP Relay Agent --- BOOTP 延迟代理
bootstrap protocol, BOOTP --- 自陷协议
Border Gateway Protocol, BGP --- 边界网关协议
bps, bits per second --- 每秒位数
broadband integrated services digital network, B-ISDN --- 宽带综合业务数字网
broadcast and unknown server, BUS --- 广播和未知服务器
broadcast message --- 广播消息
broadcast network --- 广播网络
buffer --- 缓冲区
built-in groups --- 内置组
bus --- 总线
BUS, broadcast and unknown server --- 广播和未知服务器
bytes received --- 接收的字节数
bytes transmitted --- 传输的字节数

C ◆

CA, certification authority --- 证书颁发机构
cache --- 高速缓存
cache file --- 缓存文件
caching --- 缓存
caching resolver --- 缓存解析程序
Callback Control Protocol, CBCP --- 回叫控制协议
callback number --- 回叫号码
callback security --- 回叫安全
called subscriber ID (CSID) string --- 被呼叫的订阅者 ID 字符串
canonical (CNAME) resource record --- 规范的 (CNAME) 资源记录
canonical name --- 规范名称
capture --- 捕获
capture password --- 捕获密码
capture trigger --- 捕获触发器
cartridge font --- 字库盒字体
catalog --- 分类
CBCP, Callback Control Protocol --- 回叫控制协议
CBR, constant bit rate --- 恒定传输率
CCITT, Consultative Committee on Telephony and Telegraphy --- 电话和电报咨询委员会
CCP, Compression Control Protocol --- 压缩控制协议
CDFS, Compact Disc File System --- 光盘文件系统
CDP, CRL Distribution Point --- CRL 分发点
certificate --- 证书
certificate revocation list, CRL --- 证书吊销列表
Certificate Services --- 证书服务
certificate store --- 证书存储区
certificate template --- 证书模板
certificate trust list, CTL --- 证书信任列表
certification authority, CA --- 证书颁发机构
certification hierarchy --- 证书结构
certification path --- 证书路径
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol, CHAP --- 质询握手验证协议
channel --- 信道
CHAP, Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol --- 质询握手验证协议
character mode --- 字符模式
child domain --- 子域
child object --- 子对象
Chooser --- 选取器
Chooser Pack --- 选取器包
circuit switching --- 电路交换
Class A IP address --- A 类 IP 地址
Class B IP address --- B 类 IP 地址
Class C IP address --- C 类 IP 地址
classical IP over ATM, CLIP --- 通过 ATM 的典型 IP
clear --- 清除
clear-text passwords --- 明文密码
client --- 客户端
client application --- 客户端应用程序
client request --- 客户请求
Client Service for NetWare --- NetWare 客户服务
CLIP, classical IP over ATM --- 通过 ATM 的典型 IP
ClipBook Server --- 剪贴簿服务器
cluster --- 群集
cluster adapter --- 群集适配器
Cluster Administrator --- 群集管理器
Cluster Administrator extension --- 群集管理器扩展
Cluster API --- 群集 API
cluster log --- 群集日志
Cluster service --- 群集服务
cluster size --- 簇大小
cluster storage --- 群集存储
cluster-aware application --- 支持群集的应用程序
cluster-unaware application --- 不支持群集的应用程序
CNAME (canonical) resource record --- CNAME(规范的)资源记录
CMYK color space --- CMYK 色彩空间
code page --- 代码页
codec --- 编解码器color gamut --- 色阶
color management --- 色彩管理
color profile --- 颜色配置文件
color space --- 彩色空间
COM Internet Services Proxy --- COM Internet 服务代理
Command Prompt window /“命令提示符”窗口
common groups --- 公用组
communication port --- 通讯端口
communication settings --- 通讯设置
community name --- 社团名
Compact Disc File System, CDFS --- 光盘文件系统
Compression Control Protocol, CCP --- 压缩控制协议
computer account --- 计算机帐户
Computer Browser service --- 计算机浏览器服务
computer quota --- 计算机配额
computer-telephony integration, CTI --- 计算机电话集成
conflict detection --- 冲突检测
connect --- 连接
connected user --- 已连接的用户
connected, authenticating user --- 已连接,正在验证用户
connected, user authenticated --- 已连接,已验证用户
connection-oriented --- 面向连接的
connectionless --- 无连接的
connector application --- 连接器应用程序
connector queue --- 连接器队列
console tree --- 控制台树
constant bit rate, CBR --- 恒定传输率
Consultative Committee on Telephony and Telegraphy, CCITT --- 电话和电报技术咨询委员会
container object --- 容器对象
convergence --- 会合
copy backup --- 复制备份
count to infinity --- 计数到无穷大
CPU Time --- CPU 时间
CPU Usage --- CPU 使用率
CRC errors --- CRC 错误
CRL, certificate revocation list --- 证书吊销列表
CRL Distribution Point, CDP --- CRL 分发点
cross-reference object --- 交叉引用对象
CryptoAPI (CAPI)
cryptographic service provider, CSP --- 加密服务提供程序
cryptography --- 加密
CSID (Called Subscriber ID) String --- CSID(被叫订户 ID)字符串
CSP, cryptographic service provider --- 加密服务提供程序
CTI, computer-telephony integration --- 计算机电话集成
CTL, certificate trust list --- 证书信任列表
custom file type --- 自定义文件类型

D ◆

D-channel --- D 信道
DACL, discretionary access control list --- 自由访问控制列表
daily backup --- 每日备份
Data Communications Equipment, DCE --- 数据通讯设备
data fork --- 数据派生
DLC, Data Link Control --- 数据链接控制
Data Terminal Equipment, DTE --- 数据终端设备
data-overrun error --- 数据溢出错误
DCE, Data Communications Equipment --- 数据通讯设备
DDE, dynamic data exchange --- 动态数据交换
dead-letter queue --- 死信队列
debugger --- 调试程序
dedicated adapter --- 专用适配器
default button --- 默认按钮
default host --- 默认主机
default network --- 默认网络
default printer --- 默认打印机
default tree and context --- 默认树和上下文
default user --- 默认用户
default zone --- 默认区域
defragmentation --- 碎片整理
delegation --- 委派
demand-dial connection/ 请求拨号连接
demand-dial routing --- 请求拨号路由选择
dependency --- 依存
dependency tree --- 依存树
dependent client --- 依存客户
descendent key --- 派生项
desired zone --- 所需区域
desktop --- 桌面
desktop pattern --- 桌面方案
destination document --- 目标文档
details pane --- 详细信息窗格
device . 设备
device conflict --- 设备冲突
device driver --- 设备驱动程序
device fonts --- 设备字体
Device Manager --- 设备管理器
DFS link --- DFS 链接
DFS path --- DFS 路径
DFS replication --- DFS 复制
DFS root --- DFS
DFS topology --- DFS 拓扑
DHCP acknowledgment message, DHCPACK --- DHCP 确认消息
DHCP class identifier --- DHCP 类标识符
DHCP client --- DHCP 客户
DHCP decline message, DHCPDECLINE --- DHCP 拒绝消息
DHCP information message, DHCPINFORM --- DHCP 信息消息
DHCP negative acknowledgment message, DHCPNAK --- DHCP 反确认消息
DHCP offer message, DHCPOFFER --- DHCP 提供消息
DHCP option --- DHCP 选项
DHCP relay agent --- DHCP 中继代理
DHCP release message, DHCPRELEASE --- DHCP 释放消息
DHCP request message, DHCPREQUEST --- DHCP 请求消息
DHCP server --- DHCP 服务器
DHCP Service resource --- DHCP 服务资源
DHCPACKDHCP, acknowledgment message --- 确认消息
DHCPDECLINE, DHCP decline message --- DHCP 拒绝消息
DHCPINFORM, DHCP information message --- DHCP 信息消息
DHCPNAK, DHCP negative acknowledgment message --- DHCP 反确认消息
DHCPOFFER, DHCP offer message --- DHCP 提供消息
DHCPRELEASE, DHCP release message --- DHCP 释放消息
DHCPREQUEST, DHCP request message --- DHCP 请求消息
dial location --- 拨号位置
dial-up connection --- 拨号连接
dial-up line --- 拨号线路
differential backup --- 差异备份
digital signature --- 数字签名
Digital Signature Standardm, DSS --- 数字签名标准
digital subscriber line, DSL --- 数字订户线路
digital video disc, DVD --- 数字视频光盘
direct cable connection --- 直接电缆连接
direct hosting --- 直接宿主
direct memory access, DMA --- 直接内存访问
directory --- 目录
directory database --- 目录数据库
directory partition --- 目录分区
directory replication --- 目录复制
Directory Service --- 目录服务
disable --- 禁用
discovery --- 发现
discretionary access control list, DACL --- 任意访问控制列表
disk --- 磁盘
disk configuration information --- 磁盘配置信息
disk mirroring --- 磁盘镜像
dismount --- 卸除
display adapter --- 显示适配器
display password --- 显示密码
distinguished name --- 可分辨的名称
Distributed Transaction Coordinator resource --- 分布式事务协调器资源
distribution group --- 分配组
DLC, Data Link Control --- 数据链接控件
DLL, dynamic-link library --- 动态链接库
DMA, direct memory access --- 直接内存访问
DNS dynamic update protocol --- DNS 动态更新协议
DNS name servers --- DNS 命名服务器
docking station --- 插接站
document --- 文档
domain ---
domain controller --- 域控制器


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