1.The Service Organization
1.1 Digital transformation
1.1.1 Define the impact of technology changes on organizations
1.1.2 Describe the impact of digital transformation on service management.
2. People and organizational structure
2.1 Organization structure
2.1.1 Define the differences between a leader and a manager.
2.1.2 Explain the competencies of the service management professional.
2.1.3 List the elements of a well-functioning team
3. The VeriSM model
3.1 The VeriSM model
3.1.1 Define the elements of the VeriSM model.
3.1.2 Explain how VeriSM re-defines service management.
3.1.3 Explain how VeriSM uses the management mesh to create and support services.
3.1.4 Explain the elements within each of the four stages of the VeriSM Model:
3.2 dapting the VeriSM model
3.2.1 Define the process of selecting and integrating management practices.
3.2.2 Explain the characteristics of successful operating models.
4. Progressive practices
4.1 Indicate the success factors for adopting progressive management practices.
4.2 Clarify the key concepts and when to apply Agile, DevOps, SIAM, Lean as a management practice.
4.3 Define the importance of considering Shift Left, Customer Experience/User Experience, Continuous Delivery practices in service delivery.
5. Innovative technologies
5.1 Summarize the implications of technology on service management.
5.2 Explain the benefits of cloud, virtualization, and automation.
5.3 Explain the impact of big data, internet of things, mobile computing, bring your own device on service management.
5.4 Define serverless computing, artificial intelligence, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Machine Learning, and containerization in relation to service delivery.
6. Getting started
6.1 Identify steps to initiate an improvement program based on VeriSM.
6.2 Differentiate between reactive and proactive operations.
艾威(AVTECH)总部 设在美国NEW JERSEY,是北美排行_的专业培训机构,设有4大分校,数十个培训点遍布北美、西欧和东亚;2000年进入中国,以培养国际化的中高端信息人才为己任,专注于国际前沿的新技术研发与信息科技新兴行业的开拓教育。
艾威培训(Avtech Institute of Technology),源于美国,始于1998;是北美著名的培训机构,公司总部位于美国新泽西州,2000年进入中国,以培养国际化的中高端信息人才为己任,专注于国际前沿的新技术研发新兴行业的开拓教育,艾威主要的服务为培训与咨询两大类,目前培训的主要产品有:项目管理培训、IT管理培训、IT技术培训、云计算大数据培训、需求管理培训、产品管理培训,信息安全类,AI人工智能等....近十类上几百门的课程的培训与咨询服务。
● 艾威培训(Avtech Institute of Technology),源于美国,始于1998.
● 艾威培训(Avtech Institute of Technology)是Prometric,VUE,PSI等众多国际认证中心授权的考点